The FitzHerbert C of E Primary School

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Ashes Lane, Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LD

01335 350362

The FitzHerbert C of E Primary School

Opening our eyes to find meaningful happiness – learning, achieving and growing together as a family

School Lunches

Our School Lunches are delicious!

We are so lucky to be able to provide all of our children with a really nutritious, healthy and balanced hot meal every day which is made fresh each day by the wonderful Mrs Wibberley!  All children at FitzHerbert have a cooked lunch every day. Children have an open choice of meal every day, as well as salad and fruit.

If your child has any specific dietary requirements, please notify the school office in the first instance.  You can download the Derbyshire County Council Medical Diet information letter here, and the application form here.

School lunches are provided free to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 under the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meal scheme.  Lunches cost just £3.25 per day for children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) and payment can be made weekly or half-termly by using School Money.

Some children may also be entitled to Free School Meals, depending on the family income and entitlement to certain benefits.  If you are eligible, your child(ren) will receive their meals free and we will also receive £1480 per year to spend on your children to enhance their time at school (Pupil Premium) - please see our Pupil Premium page for information about how we spend this money on each child.

Applying for Free School Meals is so easy, and only limited members of school staff will know who is entitled to the meals, so you don't need to worry about anyone else knowing your personal situation.  Just go to Derbyshire County Council's Free School Meals page and fill in the simple online form to find out if you are eligible.

Parents with children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who think they are entitled should still apply even though those children are getting a free meal anyway because the Government will still pay Pupil Premium for those children which will cover costs such as school trips, school milk, swimming contributions etc.