The FitzHerbert C of E Primary School

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Ashes Lane, Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LD

01335 350362

The FitzHerbert C of E Primary School

Opening our eyes to find meaningful happiness – learning, achieving and growing together as a family

Ofsted and SIAMS Reports

Below you will be able to see our most recent full Ofsted report from February 2023, which recognises that FitzHerbert is a "good" school. By clicking here you will also be able to view all our reports directly from the Ofsted website. 

We are especially pleased that the most recent inspection report recognises that, “Pupils are happy to come to school”, “The school is very inclusive”, “Behaviour is positive and… pupils say they feel safe… and that staff are very caring” and that “Parents and carers are extremely positive about the education and care their children receive” - reflecting our Federation Vision.

You can view the school on the 'School Performance Tables', although with very small cohorts, some of our data may not be published, by clicking here.

The other area where the school is inspected is by the National Society to gauge our distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Church school. Please scroll down or click here   to view the most recent report - or here to see it on the National Society's website.

"The nurturing environment, characterised by love, compassion and hospitality, is welcomed by those who experience it"